Trade on the RepubliK STOX Market

Join the revolution to trade the tokenized social value of creators

Total Value Locked:

Overview of STOX market app, showing desktop trading interface for an example STOX, plus mobile interface of STOX landing page list

Trade STOX, earn RPK

Become the most successful trader in SocialFi on the RepubliK STOX Market

Graph of newly-minted STOX price

Jump in early

Secure new STOX right at launch for the best prices. Each new buy raises the price and increases your ROI.

Telegram bot channel showing notifications of price movements, and newly minted STOX

Follow trading signals

Get real-time trading signals on STOX price movements and new launches through our Telegram channel. Act quickly with informed decisions.

Panel showing user interface of time-limited price boost mechanism for STOX

Capitalize on price boosts

Hunt for STOX with a running price boost to anticipate price movements and optimize your trades.

Wallet connect interface showing Metamask, OKX Wallet, and Trust Wallet icons

Simply connect your wallet

No user account required. Connect your wallet, get RPK, and start trading immediately.

Mint your own STOX in three easy steps

Do you want to earn even more? Then you can mint your own STOX to earn passive income from trading fees!

Create Your User Account on RepubliK Social

Sign up in the Republik Social app to get started with launching your own STOX.

Verify Your Social Value

Bind your Instagram or X profile to your RepubliK account to verify your social value.

Burn RPK to Launch Your STOX

Burn 1,000 RPK as a minting fee in the RepubliK Social app to make your STOX tradable on the RepubliK Market dApp.

Enjoy Your Passive Trading Fee Income

Automatically receive trading fees from every buy and sell of your STOX directly into your RepubliK wallet

Step Into the Future of Trading

Start trading on the RepubliK STOX Market and earn RPK